How do I buy items? 

If the school are using IRIS PlusPay, you can buy items from your IRIS ParentMail account.

If the school need you to make a payment, or want to let you know an item is available, a notification is displayed in the app.

How do I order and pay for an item?

  1. Go to Payments, select Shop, then the required item.
  2. Choose any options, then select either ADD TO BASKET or GO TO BASKET.
  3. At CHECKOUT, follow the instructions to make the payment.

How do I pay for an installment for an item?

If the item can be paid for in installments, they are displayed in the following categories depending on when payment is due:

  • Overdue Items — payment of the installment is late
  • Upcoming Items — payment due date is soon
  • Part Paid Items — items that have a balance outstanding

Go to Payments, select the required item, then either ADD TO BASKET or GO TO BASKET. At CHECKOUT, follow the instructions to make the payment.

Why can't I purchase more of the same item?

You cannot purchase more than the quantity set by the school for an item.

If you try to buy more than the quantity for each student set by the school, the quantity Error message is displayed. Select OK, then change the quantity to continue to payment.