Why do I need a PIN for the IRIS ParentMail app?
To provide an extra level of security, IRIS ParentMail provides the option for you to set a PIN for the app. You do not have to set a PIN.
How do I set up a PIN?
The first time you log into the IRIS ParentMail app, you can set up a PIN. Enter a 4 number code you want to use, then select CONTINUE.
If you skipped setting up a PIN but want to set one up at a later date, go to Settings, then PIN / Touch Settings. Turn Enable Pin on, then enter the 4 number code you want to use.
What do I do if I don't want to set up a PIN?
If you do not want to set up a PIN, when asked, select SKIP.
If you skip setting up a PIN, then log out of the IRIS ParentMail app, you'll be asked to set up a PIN again when you next log in.
How do I turn it off my PIN if I no longer want to use it?
Go to Settings, select PIN / Touch Settings, then turn Enable Pin off.