Why am I not getting emails?
To receive emails the school have sent using IRIS ParentMail, you must have provided an email address.
You can only access emails using the IRIS ParentMail app if you have completed account registration.
If you have not received any emails from your school, check if Emails are displayed when you log into IRIS ParentMail. If you have received emails in your IRIS ParentMail account but not in your email account, they might have been delivered to your Junk or Spam folder.
If there are no emails displayed in your IRIS ParentMail account, it could be because the school:
- do not have an email address for you
- may not have sent any emails
- you are not correctly linked to your child or children
If you are not sure if you should have received emails, contact the school who can confirm.
If you have previously marked an email from IRIS ParentMail as Junk or Spam, messages might be blocked. If the school confirm they have sent messages but you have not received them, contact your email provider for further help.
To make sure you can receive emails from the school, we recommend adding info@parentmail.co.uk to your email contacts, mark the emails as safe, or as from a trusted sender.