How do I confirm I want to attend an event?

You must have a registered IRIS ParentMail account to access event details and confirm attendance.

If the school has invited you to an event and requires you to confirm whether you, or your child or children are attending, you must confirm or decline the event invite from your IRIS ParentMail account.

How can I change whether I am attending an event?

You can only change whether you are attending an event if the bookings have not closed. Go to Events, select the required event, then change the attendance option.

If the bookings for the event have closed, contact the school who can update whether you are attending the event.

Why can't I confirm or change whether I am attending an event?

You can only confirm your attendance to an event if the school have requested you provide a response to the invite.

If the school requested you confirm your attendance but you did not confirm by the date the school set, you must contact the school to confirm your response.