Why have I received an email to confirm my details?

The school have made a change to your personal details they have on record. You must confirm whether the changes are correct by approving or rejecting them.

Why do I need to confirm my details have changed?

It is your responsibility to make sure your personal details held by the school are correct. When the school makes a change to your personal details, you must approve or reject the changes. Your IRIS ParentMail account is automatically updated. The school are then notified of your confirmation, so they can update their records in other systems.

How do I confirm changes to my details? 

You must log into IRIS ParentMail, select the Your personal details have been changed message, then Approve or Reject.

If you have previously approved or rejected changes incorrectly, you can change your details in Settings or contact the school.

I Rejected the changes because they were wrong, what do I do now?

If you rejected the changes because the updated personal details were wrong, the changes are not applied, and the school is notified of your response.

If your personal details need to be updated, you must either change your details in Settings or contact the school.

If you contact the school, when they update your details, you will be asked to approve or reject the changes again.